My ​Surf Camp Peru
Book a first time session
La Herradura
Location :
In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima (district of Chorrillos).
Kind of wave :
Point-break, left strong and long with 3 sections: The Point, the Second and the Third. While bigger, the best. Classic wave no apt for beginner.
Sea performance :
Cold water, light fluent, best period in winter. Waves all the year.
Weather :
Moderate, moist, accord to the season.
Cold with light rains or hot. Average temperature between 28°C and 12°C. Cold period from April through October. Warm period from November to March.
Access :
By the beach circuit heading south. The last beach, for all kind of vehicles.
Services :
Restorant in from of the beach
Saturday and Sunday there are a lot of people that come here to party on those restorant.
People get really drunk here
steling and robbery can be seen
Surfers from Lima can get at this point break right away when they know that is breaking. So be carefull as it get really crowded