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Green Coast Lima 

This area has a lot of waves mostly for beginners in rocky beaches.  Best for intermediate surfers and advance could be  La  Pampilla, La Rebenta, Punta Roquitas.


In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima (from Chorrillos to Miraflores districts). 

Kind of wave: 
Point-breaks, beach breaks, rights, lefts perfect for beginners. The most popular waves are: El Triangulo, Ala Moana, Barranquito, Redondo, Makaha, La Pampilla, Punta Roquitas. 

Sea performance: 
Cold water, light fluent, best period in winter. 100% consistent. 

Moderate, moist, accord to the season. 
Cold with light rains or hot. Average temperature between 28°C and 12°C. Cold period from April through October. Warm period from November to March. 

By the beach circuit heading south. For all kind of vehicles. 

All in the same city. In winter time you can find little stores in Makaha, and  Punta Roquitas. 

Summer time all the beaches offer  little stores.

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